Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hank gets tubes

On April 4, Hank got tubes and his adenoids out.  Drew and I have been counting down the days for him to get tubes because we remember how great it was when Chase got them.  No matter how small of a procedure, though, you still worry when it is your baby.  We went to Children's South that morning for the procedure.  When we got in the room, mom's friend, Mrs. Connie (who is a nurse there but wasn't working that day), had left a toy for Hank.  That was so sweet of her and meant so much that she remembered him.  Everyone was so nice!  Here is Hank with me before we put his gown on him...

We had to put a gown on him since they were taking his adenoids out....I could've eaten him up in that little gown!  I asked Drew if he thought we could keep it, but he said "no".  They also had to intubate Hank and put an IV in since he was getting his adenoids out.  It is not a great feeling when the Daddy anesthesiologist-to-be looks at you and says "I'm kinda nervous" right after they have taken him away.  But we knew that God would take care of him as He always does, and sweet little Hank did great!

When he was out of surgery, I am pretty sure the people across the street knew!  We were so happy to hear his little screams though :)  We did laugh because they came in our room and asked if he had a sippy cup...they said he didn't want the bottle...we could only imagine how polite he was in letting them know that!  He came back to us with the IV in and we had to wait until the bag ran out before we could go home.  He was fussy at first and not real thrilled that he couldn't suck on his thumb because there was something on it...but the Demerol quickly kicked in and he was out!

Such a sweet little face...

So thankful that everything went well!

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