Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy Birthday Alex!

Our nephew, Alex, turned 4 on September 7 and we had so much fun at his birthday party!  He had a Spiderman birthday party, and now Chase has decided that he is going to have a Spiderman party "just like Alex."  Chase loves Alex and wants to do everything he does!  Alex's party was so much fun.  You could come dressed as your favorite superhero, so Chase and Hank wore their Superman outfits!  Here is Chase on the slide...

This is my cousin's little girl, Annie Elizabeth.  She is so cute and she had so much fun!  She wore white bloomers under her dress and they were dark brown by about 30 minutes into the party!

Hank stayed inside and played with his Peg-P for a lot of the party...he had a great time!

Here is Alex about to blow out his candles...I cannot believe that he is already four!

Alex with all of his friends while everyone sang...

Alex blew out the candles...Chase finally made it over to him! (it takes him a while to get through crowds because he is not very idea where he got that from!:)

After eating his cupcake, Chase decided that the Joker was a better look for him :)

Chase had fun playing with Olivia Plant...

Alex peeking out of his Spiderman jump jump...

After the party, Alex and Chase had the best time playing!  I think they played non-stop for three hours straight!  We all had lunch, but they didn't stop for lunch! (you know Chase is having fun if he doesn't stop for food).  I have never seen Chase play that hard!  Drew hung in there with them for a while...he had fun jumping too!

Annie Elizabeth also joined in...

Alex, Chase, and Hank had fun playing on Alex's bed too...(Hank loves when he gets to be one of the big boys!)

This is Jack, my cousins oldest child..he was having fun playing too!

Uncle Drew joined them in Alex's room too...he is just another one of the kids!

On Sunday, the day after Alex's party, we went back over to Hunter and Anna's so the boys could jump and play some more.  They had such a great time again!!!  I couldn't believe that they still had energy!  I love this picture of Hank and Alex- Alex is so sweet to Hank and I know that he is going to be such a great big brother!

Hank hung right in there with the boys on Sunday and he had the best time!  Here is his little bottom hanging out of the jump jump as he climbed back in....

They had fun swinging on Alex's playset...

The ice cream truck passed by while we were there, so we hurried out to the street to catch it.  Alex got Batman ice cream, so guess what Chase got? guessed it, Batman ice cream!  He wants to do everything just like Alex!  They had a great time eating their ice cream.

Uncle Hunter and Hank practicing Hank's walking skills :)

Drew, Chase, and Alex playing in the jump jump...

Hank and Daddy....he LOVES his Daddy- when I just say the word "Daddy" (even if he isn't there) Hank gets a huge smile on his face and starts kicking!

At one point, Chase and Alex disappeared...we found them upstairs on the deck and Alex had found a snack for them :)

Hank and Gran hanging out :)

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