Monday, March 12, 2012

Trying to catch up...

We have a lot of fun playing with Chase, Hank and Ruby around the house. Below are several pictures between January and the end of February of us just "hanging out."

Chase coloring
Daddy and Hank taking a nap
Chase singing "Row, Row, Row your boat" with Hank. He likes to hold his ends and rock back and forth.

Hank, Chase and Mama getting ready for bed
Chase getting ready to paint
Chase going "night-night" under his rug
Hank in his swing (about mid-February)

Chase with his big "mink-mink" that Peg-P gave him for Valentine's Day

We have a lot fun between bath and bed time. Chase and Hank take a bath together (Hank sits in his small bath tub in the big bath tub). Chase likes to help out with bathing Hank and is always very interested in pouring water on Hank. After the bath we usually split up with Daddy taking Hank and Mama taking Chase (Chase usually picks the teams b/c Mama lets him get away with more "stalling"). We put their PJ's on and then meet up in Chase's room. We usually let Chase get his last bit of energy out before we start to read and wind down. There are some nights when Chase wants to read "mo book" but is never satisfied with his selections. There are also nights when he will not calm down until Hank gets in bed next to him. Hank is usually just as involved looking at the books as Chase is. It's a lot of fun for us, and usually Chase will let us leave him in bed without much fight. We leave his light on because he continues to read his books to himself after we have left. Overall though, it is probably our favorite time of the day and we spend most of our time laughing!

Chase reading his book to Ruby before he got in bed

One night Chase discovered all of his shoes and began entertaining us before bath time had started. Thanks Uncle Hunter for the boots!

Hank on his play mat
Chase eating pudding outside one afternoon

Chase is in to horses (neigh-neighs) and he always wants to go on a ride. We were surprised that he was able to saddle up on Ruby...however, Ruby was not interested in taking him anywhere.

Hank and Chase in their matching brother shirts

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