Friday, May 6, 2011

Chase's First Birthday Party

Chase had a great birthday party and we had such a great time with all of our family! I just still cannot believe that our little man is already ONE! I did not realize how fast it would fly by! We had Chase's birthday party at our house the day before Easter. Chase loved having all of him family there and it was such a beautiful day! I am going to go ahead and say that I know I probably put too many pictures in this post, but I just couldn't decide which ones to use! This is Chase's smash cake below...

Chase's birthday cake (we did an Easter bunny theme...for obvious reasons)...

Chase eating his chicken salad, pimento and cheese, and cookie before he got into his cake...

Chase sitting at his table and chairs that his Mama Zo and Pops gave him for his birthday...he LOVES it and I know he will continue to enjoy it for many years to come!

Chase getting ready to blow out his candle..

Alex and Chase...

It took Chase a while to get into his cake...he just nibbled for a while...

Ruby was more than willing to help him eat his cake...

He finally got a little messy (with some help from Uncle Hunter)...

Chase loved opening his presents! After almost everyone had left the party, he ventured out to the deck to see his presents again, and he has had fun with them ever since!

Chase with Drew's cousin, Kerri...

Chase with Drew's Granny and Grandaddy...

Drew's family...

Chase with Mama Zo and Pops...

Chase with Clay and Julie...

My family...

Chase with Peg-P and Gran...

Chase with Drew's Aunt Gina and his cousin Morgan...

Chase with Hunter, Anna, and Alex...

Chase and Alex.. (this is their new favorite pose)

Chase and Ruby after the party...

Chase is through partying for the day:)

It was such a great day and we really appreciate everyone taking the time to celebrate our sweet little boy's first birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. Keep them coming.....
    Uncle Frank
