Sunday, September 25, 2011

September is here!

September finally got here and we were so excited for Auburn football to start! Chase also moved up to the next class at school after Labor Day and he loves it! We are so thankful for Chase's school and for all of the people there...we couldn't ask for more! One Saturday morning this month Chase was talking about his friends at school...I told him we weren't going to see them that day (knowing he would be so excited about spending the day with Mommy and Daddy) and he burst into tears! He loves his school and he loves his new big boy class! He now takes a 2 hour nap everyday on his napmat on a cot...Drew and I cannot believe it! And, he gets to play on the playground two times a day which he loves! Here is Chase and Drew watching the first Auburn game in the recliner....

Here he is by himself...glued to the TV (I would love to say that he is that interested in the Auburn game, but I think he was watching Big Bird by now!)

Chase loves to get in the bed with Daddy on Saturday mornings!

Chase and Daddy eating cookies....yes, he is eating a cookie in the morning, but it was the weekend!

Alex came over to visit us, and Chase and Alex cuddled up with Drew to watch some TV...we don't always watch TV, but I guess these are the times that I took all the pictures :)

We started putting together Chase's big boy room and he loves it! I joked with Drew that he is going to think every room in the house is his..since we currently call two rooms in the house "Chase's room." We are hoping to move Chase into his big boy room in October so that the nursery will be ready for baby Hank when he arrives in November! Chase loves his big boy bed! The other night, we found him in his big boy room, in the dark, patting the bed and saying "bed" when it was story time. So, we had story time in his big boy bed and he loved that! (maybe that is a good sign)

Chase and Daddy on the couch...

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