Thursday, November 14, 2013

Father's Day!

We went to the Cochran's the Saturday before Father's Day this year to celebrate Pops!  We had a great time with everyone and we are so thankful for Pops!

I have been seeing those faces for 15 years now...there is no question who their Daddy is!

Cute picture of George...

Drew with all three boys...

Wes with George and Chase...

All three boys with Pops :) They love their Pops so much and we are all so blessed to have him!

I love this picture of Chase leaning on Pops...

Pops and his three boys :)

The next day, Father's Day, we were supposed to get together with my family at Hunter and Anna's house to celebrate Gran, but unfortunately, Gran was in the hospital.  I hate that he had to spend his Father's Day there :(  But, we made the most of it and we took lunch to the hospital and all ate together with him in his room.  It was a busy place to be....6 adults and 4 children all crammed into one hospital room :)  We are so thankful for Gran too, and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful dad who has always been one of my closest friends, biggest supporters, and such an amazing role model!  I thought I took pictures that day, but cannot find them, so Anna sent me what she had :)  Dad is not in the picture, but Dad's three oldest grandsons are (too much craziness for sweet little Jackson to sit in the chair :)  All of Dad's grandsons love him so much and we are all so thankful for him!

 Later that day, we still went to Hunter and Anna's and the boys played on the water slide that Peg-P bought at the beginning of the summer (that was the original plan).  The boys had such a great time playing together as always!  We missed Peg-P and Gran, but had a great time with Hunter, Anna, and the kids!


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